Pointing Percy at the Oubliette
These fourteen months have been cruelly lonely.
It’s a sad business when you’re the only blogger on Blogger whose interests include the xylophone.
That’s what I was when I started out. And that’s what I thought I remained.
Silly me!
If instead of wallowing under this duvet with three (dead) chorus girls and a signed photograph of Freddie ‘Parrot Face’ Davies for the past year-and-a-bit I had spent my time obsessively checking the Blogger listings like the rest of you, I would have known my isolation ended after just two months, when Percy Chanel came on the scene.
Percy is a 104-year-old male Virgo (oo-er, missis) located in Babooda, Honkoo Tonkoo, Bouvet Island. Among his other interests are ‘destroying piccolos and other wind instruments’, trainspotting and counting marbles.
Why, we’re practically soulmates.
Or so I thought before reading this brutally dismissive, Rhett-Butler-like avowal:
Well, as Larkin said, useful to get that learnt.
If we’re going to be all frank & harsh & candid, may I point out to Mister Chanel that I’ve written one hundred more postings than he has, and 700% more people have read my profile?
In fact, he’s written precisely ONE POSTING, whereas I’ve been sitting here at all hours, churning out deathless prose in industrial quantities while seldom pausing to eat, shave, or renew my subscription to the Illustrated Journal of Early Eye-Gouging Equipment.
But he must have something I haven’t, because look, Edward Gibson of Tip Top Equities has left him a 425-word comment, and he’s never posted so much as an epigram at Toasty’s Futon, despite my constantly emailing him and hanging around outside his house with boxes of chocolates and electric prods.
You must now imagine me pouting, and kicking a trash can.
Well, within hours of my sending a comment somewhere else on the internet featuring the words "... in the unlikely event of there being a new post on Toasty's Futon" you publish thirty eight new posts. It had to happen I suppose.
It's really not worth getting to know Percy Chanel. He died of a short illness a week ago, which is unsurprising as he was 104. Why not try to pal up to Freddie "Parrot Face" Davis? I mentioned him on a post a long time ago and still get visitors who want to know about "Parrot Faced" or "Freddy" Parrot.
Off to check the Batley Webcam now. It restores my faith in human nature.
I'd rather picture you hanging about outside my house with a box of chocolates and electric prods.
Or was that a box of prods and some electric chocolates?
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