Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Pour encourager les autres


Today's Edinburgh Evening News says there's to be "a worldwide campaign…to encourage dozens of new hotels to be built in Edinburgh."

About time too.

All too often lately I've met as-yet-unbuilt new hotels that seem to me to be doing damn all except sit on their enormous bottoms drinking cheap lager and claiming double invalidity credit and disabled ex-coastguard's plastic truss allowance - paid for, don't forget, by the likes of you and me, or do I have to be a taxpayer to say that?

When you suggest they should jolly well go and get themselves built somewhere, they just chortle and make unpleasant noises with their service entrances.

But they'll be laughing on the other side of their optional (mandatory) 85% staff gratuities now, won’t they?

When these campaigning johnnies hit the streets, with all their electric prods, gas bazookas and other "encouragement" equipment, why, those idle, greedy, lead-swinging as-yet-unbuilt hotels won't know what's hit 'em.

Just think what fun it'll be to watch the brutes being built - in Edinburgh - AGAINST THEIR WILL!!

Mind you, Middlesbrough might have been even better…

So, am I back now, you ask? Too early to say, really. Let's see how it goes, eh? Thanks for dropping by (Betty)…


At 5:36 AM, Blogger Geoff said...

When I went to Edinburgh, I had to stay in a B&B.

There just weren't enough hotels being built.

Welcome back, Toasty.

At 10:36 AM, Blogger Toasty Lundqvist said...

A pleasure to see you again, good sir.

At 12:38 PM, Blogger Betty said...

When I went to Edinburgh, I had to stay in a Boy's Brigade Hall (Really. Don't ask).

Now you're back ... please stay.

At 4:52 PM, Blogger Vicus Scurra said...

Just when I thought my blog was the least often updated, along you come to prove me wrong.
I am not amused.
When I went to Edinburgh, I stayed in the back of an ambulance.

At 4:38 AM, Blogger Toasty Lundqvist said...

Cor, this place is getting like Piccadilly Circus already. Not that I'm complaining. Welcome back, both of you, and I'm sorry you had to stay in such distressing locales. What a squalid shanty town this is, when one thinks about it.

At 7:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ey yew yeah yeeeeeewwwwww
See there's no enough hotels in Edinbry eh? Ahhhh canna ya sleep in the gutter then ye wee soft southern bufty? Eh? Come back I'm talkin ta ye

[the rest of this comment has been removed by Crazy left-wing thought police]

At 7:59 AM, Blogger Toasty Lundqvist said...

Soft? Ah'm harder than ye'll ever be, Mister Hamish Blancmange-McJunket-with-a-Marshmallow-Topping of that Ilk, Writer to the Signet!

At 8:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I never touched your bloody swan.

Oh, signet.


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